Several months ago, I started transitioning my eating towards the paleo / primal lifestyle. Lately, I decided to start a food blog with mostly paleo recipes focusing on the Greek and Mediterranean cuisines. Some people will ask: What do you mean by “mostly paleo recipes”? Are they paleo or not? At home, we eat Greek cheeses, which are made with goat and sheep milk, and I can tolerate them well. The only exception to the paleo rule will be some Greek recipes that use cheese made from sheep and/or goat milk; no other dairy. Also, some of my recipes require wine or ouzo (again, not so paleo) during the preparation, Â which boosts their umami flavor.
The coaches at my gym ( announced a Whole30 challenge. I decided to sign up. This means that I will have to give up my cheeses and replace the wine and ouzo with chicken and vegetable broths during cooking.
Since this is a brand new blog, there are not many recipes or any meal plans for my fellow Giant Athletes. I am working on this, and I will try to post enough recipes and tips to help us spend our time in the kitchen more efficiently. Please forgive the lack of photos, but since I am trying to catch up with time against the beginning and the duration of the challenge, I think that recipes, menu plans, and other tips weigh heavier than the time to shoot and edit the photos (I will try to include as many as possible).
Please see my future posts for some menu planning information and recipe suggestions. You can register to my mailing list and keep an eye on the Facebook Group for the challenge, including links to the posts and recipes.
In the meantime, enjoy the few days before the challenge begins!
See you at the Englewood location of Cross Fit Giant!
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